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Mrs. Anwaar Abdulla Buzaboon

Senior Lecturer

Administrative and Technical

Mrs. Anwaar Buzaboon is a Lecturer in the Applied Studies College of University of Bahrain. She joined University of Bahrain as an Instructor in the year 2006. She worked as a system analyst in eGOVERNMENT from 2003 to 2006. Anwaar Buzaboon holds the following certificates: MSc. in Business Administration, New York Institute of Technology, Kingdom of Bahrain 2006; Post Graduate Certificate for Academic Practice Program (PCAP), York St John University, Bahrain 2011; Certified Blockchain Expert Version 2, Certified Blockchain Developer, BSc, Computer Science, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain 2003. Anwaar is in the process of doing her PhD. In the Environmental Sustainability. Her major research interest is in the field of Environmental Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions. She presented a paper as a main author in the MENAPAR 2019 conference (Ifran/ Morrocco). She is representing UOB in the Higher Advisory Committee for Technical and Vocational Education headed by the Ministry of Education’s Undersecretary for Education and Curriculum Dr. Fawzi Al Jowder.
