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The Administrative and Technical Programs department in the College of Applied Studies offers a range of Associate Diploma programs. The administration programs include Business Administration, Accounting, and Office Management, providing learners with a scholastic environment to specialize in their field. Similarly, the technical programs encompass Networks Administration, Cybersecurity Operations, and Multimedia and Web Development, offering a combination of scholastic and hands-on experiences in ICT. These programs are designed to align with the latest market needs and equip students with the skills necessary to succeed in the labor market. Additionally, the technical programs are aligned with industry-recognized professional certifications, further enhancing students’ career prospects. 

Provide the learners with a scholastic environment to engage them in Business and IT Programs which are continuously progressing in accordance to the latest market needs whereby upon successful completion of their course of study they will be able to integrate into the surrounding labor market to become skilled professionals. 

To create an upcoming generation equipped with the qualifications, productivity, and sense of responsibility needed to continuously adapt and excel in the ever-evolving business and technology landscape. 



The administrative and technical department has 20 full-time, qualified, and well-experienced faculty members as of the academic year 2023-2024. The faculty members are distributed as follows: 2 Assistant Professors, 4 Senior lecturers 7 Lecturers, 5 Instructors and 2 Research & Teaching Assistants. Faculty members have obtained their academic degrees in various fields of business and ICT from reputable academic institutions globally such as Bahrain, United Kingdom, Jordan, and Philippines. Six of the faculties are Fellows of the Advance Higher Education academy in UK (AdvanceHE) and has significant number of teaching experience in the University. Faculty specializations are diverse, and many holds related Professional Certifications. In addition to their teaching duties, the faculty also conduct research at local, regional, international level, serves on a variety of university, college and department level committees, community services as well as quality assurance and accreditation processes.Â